Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Another Day

Today is my second day back on Medifast. Yesterday was fine. Not hard, sort of a relief. I had 2 cups of black coffee, five Medifast meals (hot cocoa, pancake w/sugar free syrup, two shakes, and a brownie), a cup of homemade chicken stock, and a dinner of five ounces of steak with 1.5 cups of green beans simmered in chicken stock. By the way, that is a 100% gluten free menu.

I woke up feeling lousy with a migraine, limped to the kitchen to medicate, had some Medifast cereal with almond milk, took my daughter to school and then went to physical therapy. Last session I was switched to a different therapist and she was very aggressive with the treatment and I have been more sore ever since. Today I had her again but told her of my pain, so she modified the treatment. I still hurt a lot though, and am going to look into switching to a clinic that is certified in ASTYM treatment. Now I am having a Medifast hot cocoa. My day will look very similar to yesterday; I measured out another 5 ounces of beef and 1.5 cups of green beans that I will warm up and have for dinner again. I might have Medifast soup or sloppy Joe for lunch today.

I know part of my low energy and feeling down is from the pain, and part is from my seasonal affective disorder kicking in. I am taking my D3 vitamins but with the hurting feet I am not getting outside much and not taking walks anymore. And I got out my light box (which I use in winter while I eat breakfast) but the light is too much for my migraines. So the light therapy has to wait until I have a headache-free morning.

I hope I start to feel better soon, and I hope I get a result when I get on the scale again on Sunday.

I suppose I should start adding my disclaimer again. Most of this Medifast food I am eating is left over from spring, but I also just got a new box from Medifast with the cereal and pancakes because I didn't really have any breakfast-type foods. Thanks, Medifast.

*FTC-required disclosure: Medifast provided me with its products for my personal use for free.*

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