Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Heavens, I Weigh WHAT?

I am sure some are sick of hearing me whine by now about being sick, but my gosh. I am sick. I think I felt *worse* this morning than I did yesterday, and that's pretty bad. I was very close to vomiting and my head was in so much pain. I had to wait a few hours to take the painkillers because I had to drive the pup to the vet for her shots this morning. But when I got home, I took my medicine and felt much better. As it wears off I feel horrid again. But the doctor seemed to think that within a couple days the pain would be much less.

I saw something pretty shocking on the scale in the Urgent Care last night. I mean really upsetting. I haven't been on the scale this week because I was sick. I weighed 180 a week ago Sunday. Now, given that I always weigh first thing in the morning, after peeing, on an empty stomach, with no clothes on, how much would you think I weighed on the Urgent Care scale, with dinner and a lot of water in my belly, wearing jeans, a shirt, a sweater, and sneakers? I was thinking, give it 5 pounds for shoes and clothes, maybe. And I always weigh about 3 pounds more at night than in the morning (food in belly and water in body). Plus maybe I gained a couple pounds this week, with all the carbs and salt and being sick. Right?

196.6. Yeah, THAT is the shocking number I saw and tried to immediately erase from my memory forever. A number I NEVER thought I'd see again in my life. Now, I have no idea whether that scale weighs me the same as my 2 home scales do, but still. When I saw that I just... well you can imagine. If I wasn't so sick and in pain I think I would have had a fit over that number. In fact I didn't want to mention it here at all. But there it is. I guess without clothes and food and water in me I must be in the high 180's. Sucks.

But I can't deal with the weight right now, not today. I will get to it when I get to it, when I don't feel like crap anymore. I am not eating junk or anything. I am not baking sugary stuff or eating any candy or cookies or chips. I am eating toast and pasta and mashed potatoes and oatmeal with fresh strawberries. No binge eating. Oh, I did have a bowl of Ramen one night, though. That stuff is sooo salty. Yikes.

Well, if the doctor is right, I should be feeling much better by tomorrow or the next day at the latest. He only gave me enough pain meds for that long, and thought I'd be much better by midweek. I hope so. I feel like I am just sitting here, existing...

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