Wednesday, December 23, 2015

To The Mothers

Today I went roller skating with my daughter, who is five. It isn't the first time we've done this; I wrote about skating with her at her school's skate party earlier this year and how freeing and fun it was. It was, I think, the third time I have skated in my adult life (all three times have been in the last 3 months).

As I was skating around the rink with my little one, holding her hand, laughing, watching the silly disco lights together, I was filled with the kind of joy that is simply indescribable. The broad smile on her face, the twinkle in her eyes, the music, the laughter of the other children was all-consuming as we moved around the slick floor without a care. It was the happiest moment I've had all month.

I used to not even be able to take a short walk with her. I used to sit on the bench at the park or in my yard and watch her play. I used to hate pushing her on the swings because it meant standing for more than 30 seconds, and my legs hurt. I used to bring my kids to skate parties and either sit and watch or drop them off and go shopping. I used to sit on the couch and watch my daughter play with her dollhouse on the floor. I used to hobble after her when she ran kicking her soccer ball... not because I was trying to play with her, but because I was afraid she'd run out in the road.

I used to watch. Now I participate.

Mothers, please, please hear me on this one. I have been the morbidly obese mother, always trying to lose weight but never quite succeeding, watching her children play and enjoy life as I sat on the sidelines. Ten years I watched my kids grow up before me. I thought that was the fullness of my joy, because watching your child be happy IS a most wonderful, joyful, satisfying thing. But playing with them on the slides, swinging and laughing together on the swings, playing dolls with them on the floor, kicking the ball together in the yard, and even roller skating together is ten times better than watching. If you are able... if there is a chance you are capable... (because I know some are not... some mothers have no choice but to watch from the sidelines in a wheelchair or with whatever unfixable malady they have, and in fact, someday my own bad knees may prevent me once again from doing some of these things)... if there is ANY way you CAN... take it! Grab it... run with it! Get the weight off and step into your child's life. I was a good mother before. I loved them before. But now, I am able to EXPERIENCE IT WITH THEM, not just observe. And just one day of skating with my daughter makes all 3+ years of fighting off those pounds worth it. It is worth every struggle, every battle. Nothing tastes as good as playing with your child feels.

If you can... do it! Don't wait. They grow up oh-so-quickly, and you never get those years back. Now is the time. They will love you regardless, but do it for you. Do it before it's too late.

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