Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Wish for You

I'm sure you're really busy this weekend. It's the last weekend before Christmas. I personally am going insane trying to finish my Christmas shopping with the kids all home from school and none of the items I have rain checks for ever actually being available for purchase. So anyway, with all the chaos (or, alternately, the loneliness and isolation; I know some of you are alone for the holidays and it just sucks), what are you doing for *you* this weekend?

Will you improve your health or make it worse this weekend?
Will you lose or gain weight?
Are you caring for your body and your emotions?
Are you making things better for yourself or spiraling down into a pit?

Today is the only day you have. Look in the mirror. What do you need? What do you see?

Don't let yourself get lost in the joy OR the sadness to the point of letting your body or your mental health deteriorate. It's tough sometimes but we gotta remember to take care of ourselves, whether we are busy or not, stressed or not, crying or not.

I wish you peace and clarity and the calm and strength to mold your life into what you want it to be. You can do it! One moment at a time.

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