Monday, December 28, 2009

An Answer! Finally!

Wow, 46 comments on my last post!! I guess there are more of us diehards out there reading blogs than I thought! Thanks for all the GREAT feedback. I am so happy for the reassurance not only to myself but to the rest of you guys, that we are not alone! The whole world is not stuffing themselves with fudge at this very moment. Thank goodness!

I woke up this morning... SICK AGAIN!! I could not believe it. Sore throat, severe headache, felt like a truck hit me. I got sick on December 6th, so I have been basically nonstop sick for over 3 weeks now. NOT good. I had a day here and there when I thought I was "better" but then I'd be sick again the next day. So finally, this morning I dragged myself out of bed and headed straight to the Urgent Care Clinic.

It's a good thing I did, because I have a pretty severe sinus infection. No wonder I felt so awful! Sinus infections are just exhausting and miserable. I know, because back when I weighed 278 pounds, I had constant, recurrent sinus infections that just would not go away. I was always on antibiotics. It was horrid. But I guess I forgot about that, because ever since I started losing weight and eating healthy in August 2007, I do not recall having even ONE sinus infection. But boy have I got one now! Three weeks of infection... I have really felt bad. But now the good doctor has me on a strong antibiotic, 3 times a day for 15 days, as well as some medicine for congestion. I still feel wiped out today, but very optimistic that FINALLY I will be getting well!

Also, I am once again at the beginning of my cycle, which means it should be much easier for me to eat healthy and not obsess about food over the next two weeks. I am glad for that.

My father passed away 20 years ago this week. It pains me a great deal to realize that he has now been gone from my life for longer than he was in it. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have him back for just one day! How I wish he had gotten to meet my children... ANY of them. He would've been a wonderful grandfather. He would've been so proud. I miss him so much. In his memory I'd appreciate it if you'd take a minute and read my post last year about my Dad. And then, if your father is still living, please call him, or hug him, or write him a note and tell him you love him, because you only get one Dad and they don't last forever. You just never know. Treasure your dad for me, would you? And maybe even leave me a comment telling me one thing your Dad did for you that you will never forget.

Thanks for hanging in there with me :)

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