Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cookie Coma

Ahhhh, what a week it's been! Crazy good times and insane exhaustion. This week I made seven -- yes SEVEN -- kinds of Christmas cookies (all the same ones I made last year, of course... tradition!) and two kinds of fudge. Then, in the mail, came 2 huge bricks of expensive dark chocolate, a couple of fancy candy bars, a pound of hand-dipped chocolates, and some really delicious-looking cheese gifts. Wow! And the treat plates from the neighbors haven't even started rolling in yet. Husband bought a couple pounds of cheese, summer sausage, cartons of eggnog, bagels, bacon, etc. A lot of it I have not touched (especially that eggnog!! So NOT worth the calories... although I do enjoy a splash of LIGHT eggnog on my pumpkin oatmeal once in awhile!) I also took the littlest one to see Santa one day, took the kids to see the real reindeer in town another day, spent a LOT of time shopping (I am a major procrastinator on the Christmas shopping!) and finished decorating the living room (as I said... procrastinator!) I've been so busy for the last 2 days that I did not get out to take a walk EVEN THOUGH it was sunny and in the 40's and gorgeous weather. I wanted to. It really bothered me that I didn't get to. But I felt like if I didn't get that shopping, baking, and Santa-ing done NOW, I'd pay for it later. However, I did learn my lesson that had I not put it all off til the last minute, I could've been outside in the sunshine for two days rather than just gazing longingly out the window as I cooked and cleaned and wrapped presents. I am just hoping for ONE more nice day before the gloom and ice returns. I really want to get outside!

I also seem to be coming down with the same sickness I had last week AGAIN. It makes no sense. I was sick for a week and a half, then better for a couple of days, and now I feel like crap again. Feels like sinuses. Bad headache. So maybe I need to get in to a doctor soon. I am tired of feeling sick!

It doesn't help that a lot of those cookies and candies and crap have made their way into my mouth. I can usually handle a serving of sugary food after a healthy meal, but when the cookies BECOME the meal... meal after meal... I start feeling icky. I honestly haven't had the restraint I thought I'd have with this stuff. Stopped counting calories a couple days ago. As of yesterday, I still weighed 227. Today I didn't weigh, but I think I better turn this around before I end up gaining weight. I haven't "had time" (aka MADE time) to bike, either. Time to get my act together, eh?

Tomorrow, Wednesday, I will do right by myself and eat healthy meals and bike and get outside a bit. I hope I start feeling better because, IMO, I am "sick" way too much. I believe my stress level contributes significantly to my immune system's strength or weakness, and this has been a very stressful month. I'll take some vitamins and get myself to bed early tonight, and plan a really great day tomorrow. Because tomorrow is no different from any other day, and I have had enough cookies for this season. Well, I take that back. I really, really like the sugar cookies...

Will return with a good report tomorrow :)
How about you?

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