Sunday, December 27, 2009

For the Diehards...

I take it not a whole heck of a lot of people are actually reading weight loss blogs today... everyone's got their heads in the sand pretending that what they eat for the next 5 days doesn't count because of the fresh start on January 1... right? Right??

(Actually the head-in-the-sanders are probably not reading this blog... but that's ok. When they come around we can leech off their new-years enthusiasm for a month or two and everyone will be happy!)

Yesterday I ate healthy in the morning, but had sugary stuff in the afternoon. I went way over my calories with a grilled ham sandwich for dinner, but I did make an effort: I biked TWO 30-minute sessions yesterday: once in the morning, and once at night. I also did 2 sets of 15 wall push-ups and the same number of crunches. It's my way of easing into the strength training program I am starting in January.

I woke up this morning at 5am with THE WORST migraine headache I have had in *years.* I get migraines occasionally, but this one was killer. I laid there writhing in pain for hours. It felt like I had a net over the entire surface of my brain... a net of PAIN over every square millimeter of my brain. Every tiny sound or speck of light magnified my pain times ten, and the nausea was just overwhelming. My stomach felt as if I would hurl any second and I dared not even swing my feet out of the bed to try and get to the kitchen for medication. Around 8:30 am I knew I HAD to get some medicine. I got to the kitchen, took some pills, and then went and laid in the shower for 45 minutes. It was INSANE. I was so freaking sick. Thankfully I am one of those people who gets some relief from simple Excedrin Extra Strength, so within an hour I was able to get dressed and have some mint tea to try and settle my stomach. It's been many hours now, my head throbs a bit and my nausea is still there (I just had a piece of toast) and I feel all-around horrid, but nothing like I did when I first woke up and just wanted to be put out of my misery.

I do think this Mother of all Migraines was triggered by a week of sugar overload. I used to get them frequently... and got headaches almost daily... but since changing my eating, the migraines and headaches have mostly abated. This one totally sucks, though.

So, I'm curious. Those of you here reading... what are you doing with the last 5 days of 2009? How are the holidays and approaching new year affecting your eating and exercise? Are you trying now? Waiting? Still 100% on plan? Or just making a half-hearted effort? Will anything change for you on January 1?

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