Thursday, December 31, 2009

Resurrection Coming

Ohhhh I am so excited I can hardly stand it! You can almost *feel* the energy in the air from everyone around you gearing up for a new life, a second chance, resolutions and promises! It doesn't even matter if most of the energy will dissipate within a couple of weeks... it is *there*, it is real, almost palpable. All the hope and excitement and determination is so invigorating! It's nice to feed off everyone else's energy for awhile, and it will be fun to have lots of company in the health and fitness battle, at least for awhile.

Tomorrow, the Internet will abound with people searching for things like "lose weight fast," "cookie diet," "how to drop 20 pounds in 20 days," "cabbage soup diet," and "magic weight loss pill." I know, because I used to be one of those people. I was desperate, longing to change what seemed impossible. How on earth can anyone lose 100+ pounds?? It sounds insurmountable. It will take forever. One pound at a time. And I wanted to gone NOW. FAST. IMMEDIATELY. Ah well, we can dream... but the reality is, we just have to work for it, moment by moment.

Tomorrow will be like a Second Coming of sorts, with weight loss blogs all over the 'net resurrecting from weeks or months of silence. "I am ready now," they'll say. "This time, I am going to do it!" It will be so nice to see old friends and new bloggers join the ranks, energized and focused on losing weight and getting healthy. It'll be great to see our ranks swell with people full of hope, wanting to change their lives for good.

Will you be one who is still here next December? And by "still here," I mean still working the healthy lifestyle. Will you stick with it through the easy times and tough times, through stalls and plateaus as your body changes? Will you keep working or blogging or exercising or doing whatever comprises your current, exciting plan? Or when the momentum fades will you return to your Comfortable State, munching chips on the couch while watching the Biggest Loser and wishing that was you? It's in your power to change, you know. It might take more time than you like, but it's doable. You just have to keep going even when the honeymoon phase is over.

So hop on, ride the wave through January, and when things calm down and half the world has forgotten their resolutions and gone back to the Way Things Are, you and I can keep on working towards the Way Things CAN Be. And next December you will be so glad you hung in there. I promise!

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