Sunday, December 13, 2009

Still Sick, but NSVs

I am beyond irritable today, with hormonal mid-cycle moodiness plus once again feeling awful with this sickness, BUT I wanted to give a brief post with a couple of nice NSVs (non-scale victories).

1) Yesterday I attended my first holiday event/gathering (I *was* feeling like I was over this sickness yesterday) where there was a spread of Christmas treats. When I saw the long table loaded with every possible kind of cookie, I stopped and thought for a minute. I could allow myself one. I was letting my kid choose one, and I just decided that it was not that important to me *in that moment* and I didn't want one that badly. So I had *nothing.* And I did not feel deprived. I rather enjoyed sitting there watching my daughter savor her cookie instead!

2) Yesterday I was in the kitchen when my husband said, "are those new jeans?" I said no, and he said, "They look really good. They make your butt look smaller!" Ha! I love it. This is a BIG deal to me coming from the man who did not notice I was loosing weight until I had dropped over 50 pounds. So yeah. My butt IS smaller!

3) I have homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs (from the freezer) in the crockpot for dinner tonight. I feel terribly sick at the moment, and oddly enough, when I feel nauseous the only thing I can stand to eat is simple carbs. (This has been true for 2 decades. When I was vomiting every 10 minutes during pregnancy, the only thing I could keep down was sugar cereals like Apple Jacks. Something I almost *never* buy!) I am fine on my calories so far, and I am going to allow myself what I *really* want for dinner, which is a piece or two of french bread dipped in sauce, and maybe a piece of turkey sausage. Lower volume and no steamed veggies is probably a better option for me today. And I am NOT going to bike tonight. I biked all week and I need a day off.

I hope you're enjoying the holiday season and not swinging to either extreme of deprivation or gobbling up everything in sight, because January 1st is not going to be some magic switch that changes your life. May as well make use of the last bit of 2009. Two weeks can make a big difference... will you be heavier or lighter than you are today on New Year's Eve? It's your choice.

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