Sunday, December 28, 2014

Moods and Food

I looked in the mirror today and said, "self, I like you!" And then I noticed that my face looks better... less bloated, less fat under the chin. I am down more than ten pounds since my restart on December 14, which was two weeks ago. I feel much better, my jeans are not tight anymore, and I am much, much happier. The happiness, I am convinced, is in good part due to mood improvement from better nutrition and getting off junk. When I eat a lot of sugar, grease, and refined flour products, I feel awful. I think I might even be mildly depressed when I eat like that. I believe ingesting those things affects a lot of body systems, including hormones and chemicals that regulate mood. Give it a try. A week without sugary junk and fat and carby stuff and maybe you will feel like a new person, too.

Only 3 more days left in 2011. Are you ready for a challenge? Details coming!

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