Monday, December 29, 2014

Random Stuff

Oh my goodness, I am sooo tired. I think I get *more* tired when I drink too much coffee. I was only having 1-2 cups (black) a day but lately I am drinking it (with a bit of cream and Splenda) trying to avoid eating. I mean, I am *eating* but I want to be eating a lot more. Carbs just trigger wanting more carbs... so I have been using coffee (all "treated" up instead of black) to try and avoid the food. Five cups of coffee a day is just not working for me though... I am out of decaf.

This morning I had a Medifast hot cocoa for breakfast. I had curried chicken, salad (lettuce, cukes, dressing), and about 1/4 cup of lentils for lunch. And all that coffee the rest of the day. I am edging back towards normalcy and low carb again and my plan for tomorrow is a straight Medifast 5 & 1 plan with a max of 3 cups of coffee. After that I will back down to 1-2 cups again.

I finally got all the Christmas ornaments and lights off the tree and put away this afternoon. That is one of my least favorite tasks, because many of them are fragile and I wrap them individually. Nothing expensive, mainly stuff my kids made when they were little: clay stars, cinnamon dough people, painted ceramic snowmen, that kind of thing. That's what my tree is always covered with, along with some red, blue, and green glass balls, real candy canes, and a ton of paper ornaments the kids made in school with their pictures on them. I love that kind of tree. But I hate packing it all up and throwing the tree out the living room window.

I am really nervous about all the medical stuff going on with my family right now. Aside from my daughter with pinkeye, there's two sons with serious medical stuff going on and myself with the foot issues, MTHFR and looming appointment with the rheumatologist. I am also way late to get my mammogram and cervical cancer recheck. I should not be putting that stuff off, and it is getting scheduled as soon as school is back in session. I need to figure out a way to get my cracked crown replaced, too.

Back to the diet/weight stuff... my pants are extremely tight (when they were almost falling-down loose a week ago) and I am debating whether or not to weigh tomorrow. I probably should. I just know how rapidly I gain when I eat carbs, even in reasonable amounts, and know seeing a 5 to 10 pound gain in a week is likely. I hate it. But knowing is probably better than not.

I really need my energy and positivity back.

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