Saturday, December 20, 2014

Something Changed

Something changed today. Instead of trying to explain it, let me just compare today with the last few months.

Most days, last few months: avoid, avoid, eat, avoid, think about food, avoid, procrastinate, do some basic stuff, avoid, rest, spend time with kids, avoid, force self to do basic cleaning, avoid, procrastinate, feel tired, be annoyed I can't get anything done, obsess about food, avoid, procrastinate, make lists, think about stuff, eat, avoid.

Today: wrap presents, clean kitchen, play with dog, do nine loads of wash, mail Christmas gifts, take dog and kid on errands, fold and put away all nine loads of wash, open all the boxes that came in the mail, sort stuff, take daughter to dance, train dog, play with daughter, clean, read and do homework with daughter, bake banana bread, steam a head of cauliflower, wash dishes, make grocery list, walk the dog a mile, plan Christmas foods, pick up the house, make cauliflower pizza, and oh yeah, blog!

I had more energy today even though frankly I was not in the mood for it. I had every intention of having a quiet, nonproductive day, but my energy came through and kept pushing me to do more and keep going even when I thought about stopping. I just felt more alive, and a LOT less avoidant/food obsessed. I did not take an energy pill or drink an energy drink or consume loads of coffee to do this. I got OFF CARBS. That's what happens when I get off carbs.

It takes about a week, but the difference in dramatic. Day and night. I got more done today than I have in weeks. And now I am good and tired and ready for bed. Day 8 on plan tomorrow. Goodnight!

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