Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I'd call it a bad day, but given what some other people are going through, I shouldn't complain.

Dropping off my 7-year-old at school this morning was hard. Emotionally, I was torn between keeping her home and safe, and letting her go back to her regular life in her class in her happy-go-lucky innocence. In the end, I took her to school cheerfully, because I don't want my emotional distress and fear to become hers. When she ran to her classroom, I got teary. I almost wanted to snatch her back and home school her. Many other mothers felt the same way this morning, I am sure, as evidenced by the very small number of children present to begin class... only eight. Eight kids. I almost took her back home when I saw it, but then I saw the police officer in his car outside, the many children arriving late, the smiles on the childrens' faces, the teachers welcoming them and the extra staff lingering near the entrance. I went home and worried, got a few things done, and then went to school to bring my daughter something special for lunch. We sat together in the cafeteria surrounded by loud laughing children and I felt a little better, and counted my blessings a little more. She came home after school as usual and now she is baking cookies with her brother in the kitchen.

I got a rather vague message on my phone stating that I'd had some abnormal results on my blood tests including a positive on something I don't even understand and they are referring me to "the rheumatologist." I found this message a bit distressing. I have no idea what it means or what to expect, but I can tell you this news did nothing whatsoever for my mood.

My eating is fine; I tried to make a new enchilada-type recipe last night that turned out really blah. I ate it, but it wasn't good enough to share. It needs some major tweaking or maybe I will just scrap it and start over. It had a lot of protein in the form of lean ground beef and low fat cheeses and was full of veggies including zucchini, green onions, mushrooms, and tomatillos. I think it was the tomatillos that kind of ruined it. They were canned and sort of mushy and acidic. I have never cooked with them before so I dunno what to do differently, but the rest of the dish was pretty tasty.

That's all I've got for today.

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