Sunday, December 28, 2014


Things are not horrible, but they are stressful.

I had to take my daughter to the doctor today. She has pinkeye.
I got a call that there was a death in the family, a little cousin I never got to know and now never will.
I have spent about 2 hours today trying to fax needed documents for our medical trip, but keep getting either a busy signal from the fax I am calling or a "line error" message on my fax.
Things are worse, not better, with Teen X. Yeah, I won't name names, but *someone* is putting his mother through the ringer and if I was a drinking woman, you probably wouldn't hear from me again for days.
But instead of booze I am hitting up the English Muffins, which give me just as bad a hangover as alcohol would. Okay, so it was only *one* English Muffin, but something about the wheat makes me sick and hurt. I guess the *why* is always what we ask ourselves... "why did I do that to myself?" Dunno, it sure felt soothing in the moment.
My feet are wrapped in tape from my PT appointment the other day, which was painful but I think effective. I am managing to sleep with one leg/foot brace on most nights... two is just too disruptive with all the banging together every time I move, but one is tolerable. I am not getting a heck of a lot of sleep anyway... getting to bed late due to things I need to get done, and being awakened around 6 every morning by dogs and my early bird daughter, who so sweetly tiptoes in to my room and ever so gently hugs me and whispers, "I'm up, Mom, but I am going to go do some art and let you sleep!" and then tiptoes out... but then I am awake so I get up and make coffee. She really is sweet though, she lets the dogs out for me and everything.
Oh, and the power went out again this morning just briefly, leaving us without Internet for a few hours afterwards.

The split pea soup is finally simmering on the stove, but honestly I don't think I have the energy to make myself a low carb version. I am not really hungry anyway... I had a lot of coffee today. I think tomorrow will be my 100% back-on-plan with Medifast day.

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