Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Weigh In and Other Stuff

The scale was good to me this week as it was last week: this morning I weighed 211 pounds. That's a big loss of 4 pounds this week! That makes a total of 11 pounds lost since I re-started Medifast on November 18... almost a month ago. I have averaged 2.75 pounds a week so far, which is a bit higher than Medifast's expected loss of 1-2 pounds per week. I figure it will slow down later like it did last time, so I am enjoying the nice losses while I can.

Here's a snapshot of my eating, which is always 5 Medifast meals and a Lean & Green meal (5-7 oz lean protein, 1.5-3 c. low carb veggies, and up to 2 fat servings). I rarely have the optional snack but it is there if I get hungry.

Friday's dinner was Egg Beaters scrambled with turkey sausage, mushrooms, yellow squash, green onions, and low fat cheddar cheese.

Saturday I logged my food for the first time in a couple of weeks. I had:

Medifast berry crunch cereal with Silk unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Medifast peach oatmeal muffin with black coffee
Medifast sloppy joe on a big flat "cracker" made of low fat cheese microwaved until crispy
Medifast peanut butter crunch bar
Big plate of baked baby kale chips made with olive oil and sea salt
8 oz Greek yogurt mixed with 1 packet of Splenda, 1/4 c Egg Beaters and vanilla extract, baked and chilled
hot decaf green tea
Medifast soft bake cookie

Stats for the day:
862 calories
93 g protein (40%)
96 g carbs (40%)
20 g fat (20%)

I feel very satisfied staying 100% on plan. My calories are usually closer to 1000 and my carbs closer to 85, but I am still in the range I need to be. Not sure what I am having for dinner tonight; I've thought about baking some fish and vegetables, so I may do that.

My feet have been better this weekend by about 60%. My heels are still very sore to the touch, but walking is getting less painful. I admit this whole daily foot pain thing is frustrating, but I am doing all I can and hoping it continues to improve. Here's to another good week!

Required disclosure: I receive free product in order to evaluate and comment on my experiences on the Medifast Program. Medifast products and the Medifast Program are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any medical improvements noted while on the program are related to weight loss in general, and not to Medifast products or programs.

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