Saturday, December 27, 2014

Yesterday, and a Challenge Update

Yesterday was another good day for me. I had leftover turkey breast, low fat cheesy cauliflower, and green beans for my dinner and it was delish. Today I will be making a family favorite: turkey soup and beer bread (not for me, but for the family). I am debating whether to make myself a smaller pot of turkey soup with the same homemade stock, chunks of turkey, extra veggies and no noodles, or (since I am slightly tired of turkey) perhaps I will just make a batch of low fat deviled eggs and have that for my protein and some roasted broccoli for my veggies.

I am planning the challenge that I talked about earlier; I think I will post it on January 1 or 2 and then anyone who wants to join me can! I am going to center the challenge around healthy eating and exercise. Start thinking now about what your goals are, and what would feel like "success" to you. Here is a loose version of MY goals for success in these departments:

Exercise: I have been sorely lacking in this for the past 2+ years. Remember how I always go hiking up a 2 mile, steep path on the coast in the summer? And how at 214 pounds it was so much easier, but then last year it was HARDER even though I weighed around 180? That's the decline in my fitness level since I switched from biking and lifting to just walking (and not everyday). I want to rebuild my fitness so that hiking is much easier and daily life is also easier physically. I am working on a scheduled exercise plan, written in a calendar planner and gradually working my way up to a good activity level. I will start small because I have a history of injuring myself if I push too hard. My plan will include walking, biking, PT exercises, and lifting.

Eating: I have fallen into a bit of a rut with the veggies lately, eating loads of cauliflower, spinach, and green beans. Not a whole lot else. Those veggies *are* healthy, but I need more variety. My first goal will be just that: seeking out a variety of fresh vegetables from the produce department, and later, the Farmer's Market. Later, when I add fruits, I will also be sure to have a variety of those. Of course, there will be other healthy eating goals to focus on, and one of mine is to increase my intake of Superfoods (I will post more on this later, including a list). Hmmm, a Superfoods Challenge might be a good way to share this!

I challenge you NOW to think about your goals and make a plan to implement them. You can sign up and report your progress in my 2012 Challenge starting next week.

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