Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Moving Right Along...

As I have counted calories the past couple of days, there's been a pattern. I do great up until early afternoon, and then I start eating stuff I hadn't planned on... a cracker here, a slice of cheese there, maybe a banana. And then in the evening I hit my limit (1600 calories) and dive off headfirst into some junky item like the ice cream yesterday, and get up around 2000 calories. That is not going to work for weight loss... or maybe not even for maintenance.

Today I have not counted calories. I am trying to focus on two things: eating healthy foods in reasonable amounts, and getting my exercises done. It's harder than it sounds. Even after 3+ years of blogging this weight loss effort, it still isn't easy. Oh, it's easier than it used to be, for sure. Plus I have the added bonus of already being at a reasonable weight, which is a reward in and of itself and a great motivator. Let's face it: at 280 pounds when you work hard and lose 30 pounds and then are still morbidly obese, it sucks. "I am doing all this work and I am still very obese." That was always very hard for me and probably contributed to all those times I quit trying and regained all the weight. But now, I think "Gee, I like my body pretty well. The effort really paid off. I don't want to screw that up now!"

Today's food:
7am: yerba mate tea
8am: nonfat Greek yogurt with a big scoop of pomegranate arils mixed in
10am: Egg Beaters scrambled with spinach and Morningstar Farms soy sausage, with a slice of light cheese in a Carb Balance tortilla, which, yes, has sucralose in it which annoys me to no end and I am not buying them again
11:30am: cup of coffee with 1 T half & half and 1 tsp agave nectar, slice of high protein whole grain toast with butter

Still carby. I dunno, I think I will just keep playing around with different combinations and see what works. Maybe the carbs in the morning are what have been making me cravey in the evening. I have a lot of great ideas from you guys for my breakfasts (in the comments of this post, check it out!), which I am going to start using when I get to the grocery store in the next day or two. Thank you!

I plan to have a protein bar in an hour or so, probably some more plain tea as well. For dinner I am having some chicken enchilada soup (minus the tortillas). It's probably higher in fat than I'd like (someone else made it) but I used to eat it once in awhile before when I was losing the majority of my weight. I will steam some broccoli or Brussels sprouts to have with it.

Without strict parameters it is harder for me to control myself with food. There is always something I "want." I just have to want better health for myself more.

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