Thursday, December 17, 2015

This Sucks!

Okay, this is *not* working out well at all for me, NOT! The sugar demon got a foot in the door and has wreaked havoc. Yes I am weak. Yes I still have food issues. And I am in so much pain right now it is unbelievable. I had been mostly off sugar for so long that I forgot the massive effects it has on my body. For those of you who don't know, sugar causes inflammation in the body. I suffered a great deal of arthritic pain before cutting back on sugar and losing weight, and then when I went low carb on Medifast the pain almost disappeared altogether. The last 2 days have been just horrid. I ate sugar, and suddenly I noticed my hands hurt... a LOT. It started getting painful to use a computer mouse. Then I felt myself starting to hobble a bit. And when I went to physical therapy today, I felt a HUGE difference: I was very tired and lacked the energy and positivity I've had at my other visits, and all of the exercises just HURT. It's crazy. They were fine before, and now, just touching my knee to the pad on the weight machine is very painful. And that's after taking 2 Aleve today, which I almost never take. The PT was concerned the exercises might be too much and causing the pain, but I told him I didn't think so... because my arms and neck and hands hurt, too, and I don't use them in the PT exercises. And my headaches are back.

This is just intolerable. I can't live like this. I am giving my protein bars to my teenagers, eating the rest of the fresh fruit and Greek yogurt I bought over the next couple of days, and then going back on Medifast. Because, although I didn't weigh today, I see big numbers looming in the not-so-distant future if I try to wait until January to get back on plan. And obviously, I am not doing so great on my own. I know that's because I skipped the Transition plan... it's my own doing... but honestly, this week has been a necessary part of the process for me. I finally *get* how affected I am by sugar. I get that I need to add foods in gradually and not all at once. I get that I need to be more careful about carbs, forever. And I get that whichever way I lose the rest of the weight, there will be good days and bad days and I honestly just have to focus and get it done.

I may be getting my puppy next month! I will need my energy and health for that. She will be my new workout partner. I can hardly wait to share puppy pictures with you guys! Any suggestions for a good, strong, not-too-girly name for a female German Shepherd?

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