Sunday, December 27, 2015

Uses For That Ham Bone, and Other Thoughts

Tonight I'm making split pea soup with the leftover ham bone and ham from Christmas. It smells so delicious! If you have a ham bone left, you can enjoy split pea soup too... whether you're low carbing or not! I thought it would be a good time to re-share my two recipes:

Best Ever Split Pea Soup


Low Carb Split Pea Soup (with no peas!)

Both have great flavor and are warm and nutritious and EASY to make!

On another topic, I am still mulling over the thoughts and information you all left me on my last post; I am gearing myself up for change. I know I will feel better and have less pain when I knock off the sugar and white flour. I made some gluten free cookies this year and wow, talk about pain in the feet and joints! I dunno why I keep fooling myself into thinking a few cookies won't hurt. They always do! I know it, but they still call to me. That's part of what I miss about low carbing: you get to a certain point in ketosis where the sugar doesn't really appeal to you anymore. The cravings go away. Do you think it's possible to get that effect from a whole foods, but higher carb diet? Will the cravings go away with just clean eating, being sugar free and gluten free, even if the carbs are higher? I wonder. Anyway, I am feeling better emotionally that I have in a couple months so it's as good a time as any to clean it up. Working out the details of my 'plan'... which will be MY plan, probably cobbled together with a vegetarian slant (although I'm not planning to cut the meat entirely, I do intend to substitute fish for meat more often and eat less meat overall) and some Nutrarian practices, but I think I'll log everything and keep an eye on calories and carbs and fat. And try, again, to bump up the exercise a bit.

Here's hoping 2014 is a better, less painful year than this one's been.

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