Saturday, December 26, 2015

Weigh In and Update

Last Sunday I weighed 189. This morning, I weigh 185. That's four pounds gone this week, even with Christmas Eve dinner and allowing myself to have *some* cookies in the evening several days this week. I stayed on plan during the day and drank tons of water. I have to call a halt to the cookies soon, though. We are making and frosting sugar cookies today so there maybe be one or two on the evening agenda with tea. But tomorrow I am going to freeze whatever the kids haven't eaten and let it go, and get back to really focusing on my health. One thing I learned this week is that just because I want to eat a cookie or two, that doesn't mean I have to go off the rails and eat burgers and fries and candy all day long. Might sound silly, but that's what I used to do. If I couldn't have a perfect day, I'd say 'screw it' and just eat crazy all day and "start over" tomorrow. That's pretty silly. May as well eat right at least *most* of the time!

I am pretty excited about January coming up. I love the energy of a fresh new year AND I am so happy that finally the days are gradually getting longer again. I am very much looking forward to spring!

Enjoy your weekend!

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